Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Catch-up Post

Much time has passed since I last written. Not only have I gone away to college, it is almost time for me to return home for Winter Break!

It is impossible to mention all that has occurred since my last post, since these last four or five months have held more opportunities and new experiences than seemed possible before coming to St. John's University. I have learned much through my classes (and am forgetting just as much, it seems), gained a sense of home and community in my dorm and on campus, gone to five amazing shows in the city, and most importantly--met so many wonderful people here!

I cannot express how excited I am to continue with school next semester. However, at the moment, I am really looking forward to being at home with my family for Christmas and the Winter Break.

Hopefully, I will be more diligent with my postings in the future than I have been this year. If this wish does not come to fruition, however, and I do not post within the next week or so, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

God Bless!

Monday, July 28, 2008

A most unfortunate post (alla Snicket)

Like phone bills, haircuts, and tahini sauce, things are rarely as they seem. This is one of those unexpected and surprisingly miserable blogs which, most unfortunately, can be frequently found on the internet. Don’t let the pleasant pictures and ambiance fool you-it would be wise to leave this page as soon as possible.

Although this blog does provide some small pleasantries—a word which here means, a rare laugh or smile—it more frequently results in such disagreeable experiences as weeping, hair pulling, insomnia, and worst of all—boredom.

I will continue to persevere through my blogging, but you—dear reader—should exit this website as quickly as possible, delete from memory the fact of ever reading this horrible post, and try to enjoy the rest of this, Very Fine Day.

With all due respect,


Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hello all,

I was inspired by my sister's blog and especially her post about Wordie.
I found that the website is just as addicting as she beware if you click the link above. (The text in my creation is from Sirach 39:13-14. )

Friday, June 27, 2008


Last Saturday I graduated from high school!
This is an exciting time for me. I feel like my graduation was special not only because of the importance of the event, but also because everyone I love was there to see me graduate and celebrate with me. I was able to receive my diploma from my principal, teacher, guidance counselor, friend, and mother. The party afterwards was wonderful and it was so fun to celebrate with all those who are special to me.

God Bless,


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Warbler Walk

I had a spectacular birding day in the Central Park today! It was the most incredible collection of warblers and migrating birds that I have ever seen at once. I saw eight species of warblers (including non-wood warblers, such as yellowthroats and waterthrushes) and other beautiful spring birds as well (such as a tanager and orioles). The birds were so breathtaking that I walked approximately thirty yards in as many minutes. When I turned home, I was amazed to find that I had backtracked through my complete half hour walk in three minutes!


As I arrived at the North Woods, I stepped out of the city rush and into the quiet, cool expanse of the Ravine. Within thirty seconds I had morphed from a hurried New Yorker into an excited, slightly hyperventilating, crazed birder. I saw a gorgeously decorated Black-throated Green Warbler and two male Black-throated Blues in under a minute. A group of school kids ran past the baseball field, unaffected by the calming influence of the vernal castle which is the North Woods. I heard them yelling to each other, “What’s she staring at?” and I smiled at their questions as I gazed, spell-bound, through my binoculars. If only they knew the beauty which they were running past.

Here is my list of birds seen today. I have omitted the more common birds, such as House Sparrows and Robins. Please excuse my prejudice (and “lister” tendencies).

Listed in order of appearance (the stared birds are lifers):

Black-throated Green Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
*Northern Waterthrush
Veery (also heard singing ethereally)
*Magnolia Warbler
*Possible Nashville Warbler (unidentified due to inexperience with species and lack of skill and good ol’ Peterson’s)
Black and White Warbler
Baltimore Oriole
Female Scarlet/Summer Tanager (I was deeply regretting leaving Peterson’s behind at this time!)

Not only did I have a wonderful walk today (with two IDed life birds!), I also learned several ID tips and gained some new experiences. I never before noticed the lovely spot of rufous which rests on the female Common Yellowthroat’s olive crown, heard the beauteous Veery’s song, or recognized the difference between a Northern and Louisiana Waterthrush (I am still figuring this one out). I am thankful for these experiences, but most of all, I value the calming effects that spring and a good walk have on me; the quiet excitement that warblers emanate; and the beauty of all birds, who radiate their gift of loveliness without receiving anything in return except a contented smile.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Eight Years

Though I just posted tonight, I decided to put this topic on a separate post, since it covers a completely different topic.

Today is the eighth anniversary of my sister's and my baptism into the Catholic Church. We had grown up in a Catholic/Jewish home, but we weren't very religious in either sect. When I turned ten, my mom decided she wanted to join the Catholic Church and my sister and I began to go to religious education classes. At first I wasn't sure I wanted to join (I have always disliked change, as most people probably do). However, as I learned about Christianity, and Catholicism in particular, I became excited to come into the Church. That Easter Vigil, my mom had the "grand slam" (baptism, first communion, and Confirmation). It was wonderful to see her receive the sacraments for the first time and I eagerly waited for my turn. On May 6, my sister Hannah and I were baptized and received our first communion. As I knelt with my family after my baptism, I knew that I was in the right place, exactly where God wanted me. Today, I remember my special day and thank God for that beautiful time in my life and my spiritual journey which I have shared with Him these eight years.

God Bless,


Odds and Ends

Happy Spring!
I have several things which I would like to share with you. They're all rather non sequitur, so stay with me.

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day! I know this isn't the most interesting news, but it was so spectacular that it's difficult for me to refrain from sharing. After my schoolwork, I was able to spend most of the day outside with my family and Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Corey. Poor Corey has chewed up his last ball, so he is now using a stick that is much too long for him. He looked so comical that I decided to post a picture.

I am now doing a Cornell citizen science project that is new for me. It is called NestWatch and involves monitoring birds nests in the Spring season. I have one nest, a Blue Jay's. She is still in the egg laying phase and there are two beautiful little eggs so far. I will keep a close eye on the nest, visiting about once a week on average to monitor for any signs of neglect, cowbirds, etc. This is a really wonderful project; I'm learning a lot about the nesting process and enjoying my time with the birds. If you are interested in this project, I'd encourage you to check out the website to learn more about it!

The spring birds are back! Last week the Baltimore Orioles came back, along with a Blue Headed Vireo, a male Rose Breasted Grosbeak (one of my favorites!), and a Black and White Warbler. Yesterday, the first Eastern Kingbirds could be heard making a racket in the yard. It's actually a bit odd to see them this early in the season; I usually don't see them till June or July.

Well, this is enough babblings for one post. Thanks for visiting my blog!
God bless,